Product Description

Wireless Keypad: TRA.PINCODE
Page 14
11.0 Battery Warning
To minimize operating errors the Wireless Keypad follows a multi-level battery
warning system.
When the battery capacity begins to drop, you will be notified of this in plenty of time
to allow you to replace the batteries.
Battery warning level 1:
The opening procedure is carried out after a delay. The
diode blinks YELLOW and the buzzer sounds for 10 seconds.
The Keypad does not
send the open command until after these 10 seconds.
Battery warning level 2:
In this case, the opening procedure is again carried out
after a delay. The diode blinks YELLOW and the buzzer now sounds for 20 seconds
The Keypad does not send the open command until after these 20 seconds.
You should not wait any longer to replace the battery. Otherwise, the Keypad will stop
functioning after a short time. Failure of the Keypad does not prevent the lock from
being opened with other transponders.
12.0 Battery Replacement
In general, the batteries must be replaced by trained experts only. To do this, proceed
as follows:
1. Completely unscrew the two screws in the bottom of the housing.
2. Remove the front of the housing.
3. Carefully release the battery clip from the printed circuit board (Figure 1).
4. Remove both batteries (Figure 1).
5. Insert the new batteries; the positive pole must be pointing up (Figure 2).
6. Carefully hook the battery clip back into the printed circuit board (Figure 3).
7. Put the housing back on.
8. Screw the two housing screws back into the housing from below.
After you have replaced the batteries, all functions will be available again.
Always replace both batteries at the same time, because they have been charged to
approximately the same level.