Product Description

Wireless Keypad: TRA.PINCODE
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Furthermore, please note that you should program the keypad with a PIN code
immediately after you start it up.
Use of a SimonsVoss Wireless Keypad requires knowledge of the use of the product
and of the SimonsVoss software. For this reason, only trained and authorized
personnel should program the Wireless Keypad.
SimonsVoss Technologies, Inc. will not accept any liability for damages caused by
incorrect programming.
If the Wireless Keypad is incorrectly programmed or is defective, access through a
door may be blocked. SimonsVoss Technologies, Inc. is not liable for the
consequences, such as blocked access to injured or endangered persons, property
damage or other damages.
The casing of the Wireless Keypad is secured with two Torx screws (TX6) for
increased security against unauthorized opening.
1.2 Product Description
The Wireless Keypad is a digital "key" (transponder), which opens SimonsVoss locks
without contact via radio transmission after the correct numerical code is entered.
To configure the system, you must first correctly configure at least one PIN and the
associated integrated transponder for the lock. The associated lock is then released
after a correct PIN has been entered.
The Wireless Keypad that you have purchased is a product that can be used both
indoors and outdoors. The product has its own power supply, so that it can be
operated self-sufficiently. Installation is simple, because no cabling is required.
This component can be seamlessly integrated into the SimonsVoss System 3060,
and, like all SimonsVoss components, it can be programmed with either LDB or LSM
2.0 Functional Overview
2.1 Function Overview
The Wireless Keypad has the following components:
PIN code input and evaluation
Integrated transponder, which opens the associated SimonsVoss RF lock
when it is triggered after the PIN code has been evaluated successfully.
Consequently, the Wireless Keypad allows you to address all SimonsVoss RF locks
(Cylindrical, Mortise, and Smart Relays) using the PIN code.
Individual PIN codes can be assigned to up to 3 people or groups of people. When a
PIN is reprogrammed, only one of up to three user groups needs to be informed.
Furthermore, in the appropriate SimonsVoss locks, it is possible to grant a person or
group of people access to a building only during certain times, and to keep a record of
which PIN accessed the lock at what time.