
AXCMALN-G Malden Bentwood Dining Chair
P a g e
- Reinforcing tape 70mm width must secure the 2 short open edges of box. Apply tape 70mm width
along the open edge of carton (cover the reinforce tape). Do not apply the scotch tape across the
open edge.
- High quality reinforcing tape and scotch tape must be used.
o Brand name: Deyang Tape
o Country of origin: China
- The tape should not come loose, and not cover the barcode number (image below for reference).
- Packaging must follow packaging process which was approved by Axcess Technical and Quality
Assurance Department.
- Notes :
Carton layout must be approved by Axcess Inc. before mass printing.
Marking should be in correct colors (red or black) as per instruction.
The red strings used to identify the hardware inside the box must be attached to
hardware bag at one end, and the other end must be attached outside carton.
Axcess will not accept carton boxes with damages: torn, scratches… or with footprints on