Instruction Manual

BE_=e'_r_E_-,-,,< STARTING TO' S£W
When rise _r;achirm psp!urT.ged in ero;:ir;_r!yarid tflra-c_ded correclty it _sn!:ady for sev,qr.,g, fo insure .,:3.8o,:1Slkch,,;-s
mako several sev.,i;ig lests usivg ihe samo fabric -1rid ;t_read £r_ which you ,,,.,.,itl._.e,,vMake thO proper :.idiuslr_en?."
w:l}!,_-:i:÷St S_':;ir_O
starting to sew
I PL,,]Iel: _hrea.;.;sm_n: h;-/ l,q,epresser tog: _tnd tow_.,rd :he hat!.
2 Low-.;,r Iqe presser ioo_,,
", ]urn hand wheo_ [.-_,;,,>armsSo't 2 .m_3 times aqd ch.<:_ckttse
[i_rcad ,::I:ain
:- Press Fool C;sn:rol ligh!ly pullh_g threads towards back and
_q,_ke liv'_a(j chap+._bod! 5 Cr_ (',?inC.hi-TS}
5 PI-=tCe_: SO;rip of b'=L:r_cta_der :Fe toe of :1,,':p;e.q_,-::f fo,.+.,1;.H
lh,,eposilio_ Io be stiicncd
6 _'{o!d erl_ ot t}:te;.}d v.'iill yoi.,: lt>'_!i:,_rid ,.',,l-.,anStiiFiing !(:,sew
i:,m._ser,_.....__,foot _-aark}ngs
i'h:, Ulafl@_,;JS,St] tl_e ;:O,'K,sf f!'u:, toot tit}t_ Lip dirOc.:ly _
fronl Of the r_eedk:s for gL,'i@ng yOL-rfi'!t:_i<tC
:.@_.n',<.-rkior the It_.#tneedb:.:
Right mad_ lot lhe _ighl noedie
Tl;e to'.'-:spen_r_5 fr, lhup._e_.se_fool }5de.'-:.igi,.ed_r>gude a
s;sbiliz;ng 1ape. rlarrogl el_s_ic or dee_:el;}tive fibb:JF _r:t_ _.!_e
It_:.:eRd_ b_}pe_.:,t._'Hast_u1i!.,ollles!ol_:_ridu:ld_r thi_ i_Hc;,.{3ilh,b
. .!J! ,
3W '" 1 .....
1; ' +i. " {_ ild " I ,i
, !
(i !!7, ,
",22/_ ,,:
o_ seaFri
Whun tee _:eedle reaches the end ol s_m. chai_ o;f by
m, iHIrlg 11_¢_,alac:! _hte up.lit .h_. tf_re,_d Ci_;lin is E-7 cm (.2-3
Slop tlxo m._Cll:He arid CIr. hi; Itsa:,ad (',tlain r:.,'ma_nfn{i 2-,4 r:.,_
f; 2 inct.:esi ..',"_h,_= rn_ic?ih'te. TTe ;-;nl;lli ltnoKi in ttlr(_ad a,_._r.%
Bnd iroat will i ,.'t.9_Oi sei_n_ sc,_.tan: t ¢_idry #tnd lfim close Io
rot _leatel (ir_.,sfs77utlH_ro__-t-£erldS back fl,rOLl_71 ::earn usJnq
hmok ol ya:rn noedle..
whe,,:_ thread breaks
flthe 0,.read breaks wtsi_ese,.virlo rern_,we _abdc Item machine
and ',.--.,threada.s indicaled below
.Uppe,: Looioer rhtead: _L_r_flBnd ls'hee_'_c.,.'.'(udsyo/l ui_lll I/iU
upoer ioope_ is i_t the lowesl posi!lon Pa_s ltli"_=.d It',rough tf_
1,.';,y,,rert oooer Thread: ,;ut the nee@e :hteads n6ar r]eedie
r,ole: r,.c.qhr._}adl lle io,.,',-_:_rlooper: rc-threm_ ;il÷; qeeale,'r, eed!,_s
To s_:qir; s_.v.,ir_ct,pi_.c;e materi_ ?, ,_cm i !.?, incheS',, oels_rl,3
pou _..'w !ier_ thr,_.'-_,:,d L_ro::o,,
,., ,..,;__.+<.,._,
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