Instruction Manual

DECO .t_- iP '--" _R.,,_t'.,,,_ OVf-HLOCK
Warn you char, ge ltt_ Lip,per Loo_jur Thread to l_oav_mrtnre_,:J or ysrn, you c_'r_p,_o_,[_Cedecarc_.we o, t+,k.c. "_+""_:,Lcri_rig.
Tr',¢ using variou9 types ot thread to ,..,^-=-,'..:..t,....attractive cc,m'r,,in-__ficris÷:,:pcn _-_er,t _,,'1, diller _ "4t_nsk_n :;_.u..-';.....u,,l,, ,_n"_'t..,
_.,_DrO,'.:tlsCOB ,,sri=_,, _:,Ideco,"a:ivo ,,'d_.,=':.
2-1hresd Flallock
"r- t "XJI.,, r.: Lo _.,J_ _ c.:-
, JR_._{NG C,..,-_,,.<..,,.,__
outside comer
", abn_, 5-6
Cut _t .. ,sorne_ ;I
<:m I',;' ,:Jtitche_) ,_tort_'jb _e
,_!,,i+I!1! .ij Ill'it "
2 c,,.;f;,¢,;;O _.l_e ePd t:_i f_Jbnc
;'it,d 5lop rt:act'iirir_
3 R.'.tisc' needle and o_ess_r
.:"PuN I._b:icoli_nli7 :ovv_:_r,:Is
tLa D,_7:7<. rstrl_ _.,_7 C" li
5 l:_inlal:,ric_.l]rlposilic:,',_
tI_,:_,fabrichy liNi_:_up Sl-.e
cu_ hn_ emd blade
La,,vef ,he Presser _-o_:
6 _._.£1'.r,Yd_j.,,,<+iqg
outside " '_"',-_"
t.; L,._ ',_:_-_>
.... 7_'1%"_.......................
.I+ -
&L ,
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r_; 4,:
,=::, :,
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'='k 1
i'ile rp.achinc_ c,_rl cohtili'J0 ,._,t'.,,Ui;'_,gwhcn rouqdil; 9
cur',u'k. Tt!ere 7._no need io ,_;lop fl'ie rt_achine and p_,,.,rJ1
P_.,.:;i,,.::_cess fabric "_av,,ard _!ic presser iool gM:t_ (l_e
_'13_:,'1ii_(.+'mor_ ".'_'.tb:icand _-(llf:lif't:..Ir7 set,,irlc &_ if s,_,w;rlg
inside corners
1 Snip fa comer of ser_,_
2. Sew _esifed s,,7:.lii!Ira,z.
IJrtli.iblade re_:_c:hu_
rj,gt" ,qer.
3 Vv'hun you apt;. ......
.qorrtei', SI0w da,,v'_
l.ovvor !lte 7=e_l_
Str-_n[en :he 9e_tr,::line
ou_ m h';)ql at the blade
Con!_:'iue s,'._tchingio
car_i_'tlule tl".e edge
T-t-.+b.%,,_j_ .7_!f,_, _-x,_ , 4, "Ii' ''"
i! {; <
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