Instruction Manual

"'7_1, _ _ _ _ _ _ _', _ _ :1 _*nREAL b G "[HE M ,c, HINF
v"_'h_q?_roading, be sure ;o ._ollov,'I;-;e dlrectiorl£ given be,tow Th_ mac!_ino rnust be thre_,ded in _he proper
s6amy.q_:e iR orde _io sew A!t fllu,_. =.lar_ f_r cauec_ r,ilre_4ding is ins;iclu ti'lc, front cov.,'_,l0f [he machine
The lnread gb'[d_s, aT,-.,-_,d#nt,..... l_:uwl' I r;OI,brmarkiqgs combspondiqg io [he d'i_e_[d [o whici] lt-_eybe_oncl.
M¢,_-a_ threa,__lhe Jpp_r and !o';;_:r h_o_ ..... ,._.,_c_,_!}_re_dinq the needh;s
Thread Sequenca
Uuper Lco#e_ _:Gruem
? Iower Loop_ (Blur.:)
s R_gh.: Needle (Yellow',
z; f@:.edl_ iRe(i:,
._',_f=,n"i "R i !'
Pull lhe _,×le:_si(:,n B_!r up as tar as _';,,,V;#!__.*
"L. Rolaie the Tl_read Guide Hanger st.. !l!at [!u:, Tt'_r_.d
Gu}de._:_a_ riqh_ above lhe spool pins
3 P}_ce ti_¢ :_,oco;s_3rlhread Cnno_._on spoo_ pins.
- ir! .......... _:'i li 'q' -
] ",' - ii I ';Ioqr--
........ "*_' Le h
I,jl),:] r._r ", {qeed!_.
Lcos, e: ..
rnread ,.._ ___.2,.;O..... /
Lower ' -:_. _-....... -- ..-:.. --_ -._._ u
Looper t -p--_':, :m,,'t:-:"_ _-F-J=::.4 I..,;-'_.
. ÷ */
I ' ...... 'I
I .................................... /"
i _
' :'-Z-t4:4
7l,_t£;3d;5[)OOlnets _ro2uSefui tot s,ir¢ir_ehc [bread.--:.
which fend [a dro._ off its hoIder
C.ove._tl;e lhread cones with the thre-3s ne_s pravided
,ui:h _t_e:.,CCu_Ront-'.G.
Thread caps are atso pto,Aded ,M1h _l;e r_.ccesr,_n,..;_a.
[hcy _,re u-',e_ ,,"i]eq sewing v,,'ifl_r:::#:dar spocI_
II_£e,ll {!1£-'.t_Uamot ,sap in[e lhe .-q!)dJ¢fihMe cOpQ.£i!e I,'_e
a r'_dv.;itl_n-'2tc'n
Brtr:q lhro._,d e_.d _c :he ,o,', ,'_,ithe machine