Service manual

14 P2260/E
Split beam
Single beam
The sphere after
being moved to
the centre of the
single beam
The sphere in the
centre of the
split beam
Figure 5
The Scope mode may be useful during this process as well. The scope plot starts
at the beginning of the super layer, and the horizontal axis contains 200 depth
samples. Accordingly, this depth scale is different for the different frequencies.
Check that the sphere is well within the super layer. Select the Test Menu,
Scope and a dynamic range for the plot (50 dB). Then select the highest
amplitude value to be included in the plot (-50 dB). The sphere echo should now
appear on the scope plot. Reduce the dynamic range to give a high vertical
resolution and adjust the highest amplitude to give a convenient plot where the
peak sphere echo reaches the horizontal centre line on the scale. Then move the
sphere in the transversal and longitudinal directions until the maximum
amplitude position has been found.
Use the TS detection window for single beam to read maximum TS value.
Look at the echogram and check that you have, from the top: