
Auto gain
The Auto gain option will keep the sensitivity at a level that works well under most
With the gain in auto mode, you can set a positive or negative offset that gets applied to the
auto gain. This is indicated as A-40 - A40.
Strong and weak echo signals have different colors to indicate the different signal strengths.
The colors used depend on which palette you select.
The more you increase the Color setting, the more echoes will be displayed in the color at
the strong return end of the scale.
Pausing the echosounder
You can pause the sounder, allowing you to examine the sounder echoes.
This function is useful when you need to position a waypoint exactly on the echosounder
panel, and if you are using the cursor to measure a distance between 2 elements on the
Advanced Echosounder options
Enter a short description of your concept here (optional).
Noise rejection
Signal interference from bilge pumps, engine vibration and air bubbles can clutter the
The noise rejection option filters the signal interference and reduces the on-screen clutter.
Enter a short description of your concept here (optional).
The TVG (Time Variable Gain) option compensate for distance to the object, making echoes
from equal sized objects appear with the same size on the echosounder image.
Scroll speed
You can select the scrolling speed of the echosounder image on the screen. A high scroll
speed will update the image fast, while a low scroll speed will present a longer history.
The ping speed
Enter a short description of your concept here (optional).
The Ping Speed controls the rate the transducer transmits into the water. A high ping speed
will make the image move fast on the screen, while a low ping speed will present a longer
history on the screen. The reverberation potentially caused by too high ping speed can cause
interference on the screen.
Recording echosounder data
You can record echosounder and StructureScan data and save the file internally in the NSS
evo2 unit, or save it onto an SD card inserted into the unit’s card reader.
The function is activated from the Advanced menu option.
The following options are available:
Bytes per sounding
Select how many bytes per seconds that are to be used when saving the log file. More bytes
yield better resolution, but will cause the record file to increase in size compared to using
lower byte settings.
Log all channels
Logs all available sonar data simultaneously.
When logging all channels, logs are saved in .sl2 format instead of .slg format.
Echosounder | NSS evo2 Operator Manual