User's Manual Part 2

Use the C
and M
keys to move the cursor to correct
any errors. The cursor position is indicated by the flashing
number. Enter a new number to overwrite an incorrect num-
ber. Press O
K to confirm all settings, or ON/C to abort entry.
WARNING This data is only stored temporarily and will be lost when the
radio is switched off. Since the accuracy of this information is
vital in the event of a Distress Alert transmission being nec-
essary, we strongly recommend that a GPS or other naviga-
tional device is permanently interfaced with the radio. This
data will then be automatically supplied and updated with-
out the need for user intervention.
The final digit specifies whether the Latitude is north or south
of the Equator – use the V
OL and VOL keys to toggle
between “N” and “S”. Press O
K to confirm and move on to
entering the Longitude (the display will show “ENTER LON”),
or press O
N/C to abort entry.
Enter the Longitude using the numeric keypad. Use the C
and MSG keys to move the cursor to correct any errors. The
cursor position is indicated by the flashing number. Enter a new
number to overwrite an incorrect number.
The final digit specifies whether the Longitude is west or east
of the Meridian – the V
OL and VOL keys to toggle between
“W” and “E”.
Press O
K to confirm and move on to entering the time (the dis-
play will show “ENTER UTC”), or press O
N/C to abort entry.
Enter the UTC time (formerly known as GMT) in 24hr-format
using the numeric keypad (Fig 11.5).
UTC 19B----
Fig 11.5 - Manually entering time (UTC)