User's Manual Part 2

To enter the ATIS number press OK again. The display will now
show “ENTER ATIS” and the first dash in the number will start
flashing to indicate that entry can begin.
Enter the nine-digit ATIS number using the numeric keypad
and press O
K. The radio will then ask the number be re-entered
(“CONFIRM”). If the two numbers do not match, the proce-
dure must be repeated.
Use the C
ALL and MSG keys to move the cursor to correct
any errors. The cursor position is indicated by the flashing
number. Enter a new number to overwrite an incorrect number.
NOTE The ATIS number will not be accepted, unless all nine digits
have been entered - the prefix “9” is automatically inserted by
the radio.
Press O
N/C to return to the main menu.
8.3 VHF Items
The VHF Items menu contains the settings for miscellaneous
functions such as User channel, position view, speaker settings,
as well as SimNet management and lighting modes.
Once the VHF Items menu option has been selected (see intro-
duction to section 8), use the V
OL and VOL keys to scroll
through the available menu options:
• User channel (section 8.3.1)
• Position view (section 8.3.2)
• Last used channel (section 8.3.3)
• Interrupt intercom (section 8.3.4)
• Speaker settings (section 8.3.5)
• SimNet management (section 8.3.6)
• Lighting modes (section 8.3.7)
To select an option press O
. To return to the main menu press
8.3.1 User channel
This is a user-programmable priority channel that is used in the
Tri-Watch function and can be selected by pressing the U
From the VHF Items menu (section 8.3) select “USER CHAN-
NEL” and press O
K. Using the numeric keypad enter the requi-