User's Manual

10. Look for the text “Scanner type = XXXX” in the application dialog. If
“XXXX” is not “S556-EP”, select “S556-EP” from the Scanner menu
of the Series 5 Test Tool application.
11. Look for the text “Mode = ...” in the application dialog. If the mode
is not “Basic Function Test”, select “Basic Function Test” from the
Mode menu of the Series 5 Test Tool application.
12. There are three tests you must run in order to confirm that the scanner
is working correctly. These are “Read Test”, “List Test”, and “Write
13. Select Antenna 1” button at the top of the Series 5 Scanner Test
window. Position the tag in the antenna field, ensuring that the object
which the tag is attached is not between the antenna and tag.
14. Position a tag within 60 inches of the antenna.
15. Click the “Read Test” button. You should see the text “- Check Read:
PASS –“ appear in the Test Results box. If the test fails, follow the
instructions given by the application.
16. Remove all tags from around the antenna and click the “List Test”
button. Wait two seconds. If the test is successful, you should see
the following text appear in the Test Results box.
“- Check List –“
“List Start: OK”
“List Stop: OK”
“List Report: OK”
“Found 0 tags:”
“Place 1 tag in the field and run test again.”
556-EP Manual.P65 1/18/2001, 2:46 PM16