User's Manual

The folder structure of a microSD card on which this unit has performed recording is as follows.
Example folder structure of a microSD card:
Folder numbers range from 100 to 999. Four or eight alphabetic characters after a three-digit
number indicate the ile type.
A. Still pictures in JPEG format (Each folder stores a maximum of 999 still pictures)
 Folder numbers range from 100 to 999. Four alphabetic characters indicate the
The character shows the camera lens type used in the shot:
3600 Spherical / VR Mode : _
155 Degrees 4K [16:9] Full Frame Mode : F
235 Degrees Spherical Mode: R
 VR files formattedEach folder stores a maximum of 9999 still pictures
Still pictures in jpg format
Movie files in mp4 format
The size of a video ile will not exceed 4G or the time length will not exceed 30 minutes.
When a new ile is generated automatically during recording, the recording process will not be
Recording in time-lapse mode may last for up to 72 hours.
The video iles recorded by 4KVR360 cannot be played in the application program (Windows
Media Player) supplied with Windows7. Play using the application program dedicated for 4KVR360.
camera lens type.Five or eight alphabetic characters indicate the file type.