User's Manual

User Assistance Information
Should you have any questions, please contact a customer service
representative at Siren Inc. They may be contacted either by:
Phone: (+1) 415-855-1744
General Warning and Cautions
The Siren Diabetic Sock is designed for a person that has been
diagnosed with neuropathy of the feet. People that have neuropathy
(reduced feeling in their feet) are at a high-risk to develop foot ulcers
that can potentially lead to amputation. Clinical studies have shown that
before an ulcer breaks the surface of the skin, inflammation or heat may
develop. The Siren Diabetic Sock is designed to detect and measure this
heat/inflammation earlier. The Siren Diabetic Sock should be used
every day by the patient to detect the inflammation earlier. Once the
inflammation is detected, actions can be taken by the patient, in
consultation with their doctor, to potentially avoid the ulcer and further
complications such as infection, gangrene, and amputation. The Siren
Diabetic Sock integrated micro thermometer in the fabric that is
non-invasive and is not painful to use. It is using non-replaceable
battery operated and the battery life is approximately six months
5pairs), assuming daily use.