User's Manual

How it Works
Wear the Siren DiabeticSocks every day, just like normal socks.
Check your feet with Siren App. All socks will be connected to your phone
by Bluetooth low energy technology.
Wash it in the end of the week.
Enjoy your life
Instructions for Setup
The Siren sock is used to track foot temperature on the bottom of your feet
Let’s get start
Step1: prepare what we need to start:
1 Siren box with at least a pair of sock
2 Smart phone / tablet and your phone number (which can receive txt msg
during the process)
3 Know your wifi’s name and password
4 Connect your phone to your home’s wifi
5 Find an outlet which near where you spend most time in your house
6 Prepare your foot medical records in 6 months if you have (optional)