User's Manual

Jump Settings
The jump button can be configured to either jump to the traffic and weather for
the city of your choice from a list of 22 of the most congested cities, or to jump
back to the last channel to which you were listening. When configuring for traffic/
weather, you’ll need to select your city.
To configure jump:
1 Press menu.
2 Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and
highlight JUMP Settings and press the
Select button.
3 Mode will be highlighted with either
Last Channel or Traffic/Weather. If you
want to change the mode, press the
Select button. Otherwise, just leave
it as shown. (Repeatedly pressing the
Select button toggles between the
4 If you have selected Last Channel,
press and hold menu to return to
the main display screen. If you have
selected Traffic/Weather continue with
step 5.
5 Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and
highlight Set Location and press the
Select button.
6 A list of cities will be displayed. Turn