User's Manual Part 2

ix C 3EM21522AAAA
DTR-0200-SA-SIRIUS Issue 1, March 2008
See Table C-1 for alarm names, causes, and corrective responses.
Table C-1 Alarms, Possible Causes, and Suggested Response
Alarm Description Possible Cause Operator Response
3.3V Voltage too high SPU 3.3V Voltage is too
high >3.6V
SPU Power Supply Fault Replace the SPU
5.0V Voltage too high SPU 5.0V Voltage too
high >5.5V
SPU Power Supply Fault Replace the SPU
12.0V Voltage too high SPU 12V Voltage is too
high >13.2V
SPU Power Supply Fault Replace the SPU
3.3V Voltage too low SPU 3.3V Voltage is too
low <2.8V
SPU Power Supply Fault Replace the SPU
5.0V Voltage too low SPU 5.0V Voltage too
low <4.3V
SPU Power Supply Fault Replace the SPU
12.0V Voltage too low SPU 12V Voltage is too
low <10.2V
SPU Power Supply Fault Replace the SPU
AC Interruption Occurred 12VDC toggles more
than 10 µs
AC power supply voltage
Check AC Power
AC Power Lost UPS 12V, 10V No AC Power Check AC Power
Cabinet Front Door Open Door Open Door Open Close cabinet front door
Cabinet Rear Door Open Door Open Door Open Close cabinet rear door
DSP Error DSP is not responding Possibly there is a hard-
ware problem or software
If reset doesn’t clear the
problem – Replace SPU
(fault in Modulator).
Ethernet Connection
No communication via
Main Controller Ethernet
switch port
Communication Error Check Ethernet cable
Forward Power Detector
Comm Error
Communication timeout Error communicating to
the Forward power
detector on the output
Replace Detector and/or
SPU (Main Controller
and/or Detector fault).
GPS Comm Error Problem communicating
with GPS receiver
Problem communicating
with GPS receiver
Replace SPU (Main Con-
troller fault)
GPS Holdover Duration
Holdover process is too
Check “Max GPS Hold-
over Time” parameter
and make sure it is set
Refer to Section 5, Fig-
ure 5-17. Adjust “Max
GPS Holdover Time”
GPS Quality Low GPS Signal Quality is low Antenna disconnected Check Antenna connec-
tion to the GPS