User's Manual

Using Your inno Alone
Playlists – Adding Songs
You can create one or more custom lists, called playlists. Each playlist is an index of songs
that play in a certain order. You can create a “morning drive” playlist, a “workout” playlist, a
“best of playlist, and more.
1. To add a song to a playlist, first select a song using the up or down arrow buttons. The
song may be a recorded XM track, an MP3 track, or a WMA track, including songs pur-
chased through XM+Napster.
2. Select XM Edit Song Add to Playlist.
3. You can choose to add the song to an existing playlist or to create a new playlist. To
choose an existing playlist, simply highlight and select the playlist name. To create a new
playlist, choose New Playlist and use the virtual keyboard to name that playlist.
4. The display confirms by showing “(playlist name) (song title) Added.
5. Adding a song to a playlist automatically locks that song.
You can add a song to more than one playlist or a song to the same playlist more than once.
You can also add all songs by an artist to a playlist: select XM Organize Artists
(artist name) Add to Playlist. You can also add all songs in a particular XM channel
or category to a playlist.
Using Your inno Alone
Using Your inno Alone
Using Your inno Alone
S H O R T C U T: To add the song that you’re currently hearing to a playlist, press and hold the XM
b u t t o n , then select Add to Playlist.
Playlists – Removing Entries
You can remove entries from a playlist. Remember that removing a song from one playlist
does not remove it from any other playlist, and does not delete that song from inno.
To remove one or more songs from a playlist:
1. Select XM Playlists (playlist name) Edit Playlist Remove Songs.
2. Use the up and down arrow buttons to highlight a song.
3. Press XM Select. The song’s name will change to green.
4. Use the up and down arrow buttons to highlight another song, and press the XM button
to select that song. Do this for all the songs you want to remove; these songs are
displayed in blue.
5. Select XM Remove Song(s) Yes.
6. inno confirms by displaying “Songs Removed.
S H O R T C U T: Instead of steps 3 and 4, press the right arrow button to select the song you wa n t
to remove.
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