User Manual

TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg sstteeppss wwiillll gguuiiddee yyoouu tthhrroouugghh tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn ooff yyoouurr XXMM
SSuurreeCCoonnnneecctt uussiinngg eeiitthheerr ooppttiioonn 11 oorr ooppttiioonn 22..
1. Install your XM Radio in your vehicle as described in your XM Radio
user and installation guides, but do not connect the XM antenna plug to
the dock at this time.
2. Now that you have located your vehicle’s FM antenna, determine the best
routing method to get the XM SureConnect output cable to the FM antenna.
eexxtteerrnnaall aanntteennnnaass
(Figure 1b), the Coupling Clip needs to be routed
outside the vehicle. For
iinntteerrnnaall oonn--ggllaassss aanntteennnnaass
(Figure 1c), all routing is
inside the passenger compartment and the Contact Bracket is used.
3. To route the output cable with Coupling Clip to your vehicle FM antenna,
follow the instructions on the next pages . There are separate instructions
for external antenna vs the internal on-glass antenna. Follow the instruc-
tions that apply to your vehicle’s antenna type.
This guide assumes you have already installed your XM antenna per
the instructions in your XM radio user guide. The positions of the XM
antenna in the illustrations on page 9 are for example only. There is no
need to change your XM antenna installation.
4. Connect the XM antenna to the XM SureConnect antenna input, located on
the coupler module about 2 feet from the end of the input cable (see Figure
1a). Tuck any excess input cable and the coupler module behind the dash or
in another hidden location for a professional looking installation.
5. Now connect the XM SureConnect input cable to the XM radio or vehicle
dock’s XM antenna input.
Installation Setup Overview for both Options 1 and 2