User's Manual Part 2

Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
Gradient consists of 3 colors:
Light Blue: C100 M56 Y0 K0
Dark Blue: C100 M38 Y0 K64
Rich Black: C50 M40 Y40 K100
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NOTE! InformationaboutmoststocksandindiceslistedontheNYSE,AMEX,
or NASDAQ is available. Market information is delayed approximately 25
1 PresstheMe n u button.
2 Highlightin F o ex t r a s ,andpressthese l e c t button.
3 Highlightst o c k s ,andpressthese l e c t button.
4 Ifyoualreadyhavestocksinyourlist,highlightaD D st o c k and
press the se l e c t button.Ifnot,thenthisstepwillbeskippedfor
5 Turn the knobtodisplaythelettersforthestocksymbol.Pressthe
se l e c t button after each letter.