User's Guide

TuneStart plays the current song from the beginning when you tune to a
music channel which you have saved as a smart favorite channel. (Refer to
“Favorite Channels” on page 55 for more information on smart favorite
channels.) A TuneStart will also occur if you tune back to the channel that
was tuned immediately prior to the
currently tuned channel, either by pressing
, or by directly tuning the channel.
TuneStart is on by default.
When a TuneStart occurs, the main display
screen will display the Pause and Replay
timebar to indicate that a TuneStart has
occurred. Should you wish to return to the
live broadcast, press and hold Play/Pause.
In order for a TuneStart to occur, the
beginning of the song must be present in
the TuneStart memory. If Onyx Plus is powered on after a song has already
begun to be broadcast, a TuneStart will not be possible for that song.
A TuneStart will only occur once per song. For example, if you tune to
smart favorite music channel A1 and a TuneStart occurs, then tune channel
B1, and then tune back to channel A1 while the same song is still playing
on channel A1, a TuneStart will not occur. However, if you want to hear the
song from the beginning, you can always press and release Rewind
return to the beginning of the song.
Note: Certain music channels are not eligible for TuneStart due to the way in
which they are broadcast. While these music channels can be saved as smart
favorites, TuneStart will not occur for these channels.
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