User's Guide

Special Features
Sports Ticker
Sports Ticker shows status of games in
progress including current score, and the
final score for games which have ended
within the last 24 hours. For games in
progress, it also shows the channel number
if the game is being broadcast by SiriusXM.
The Sports Ticker is displayed on the main
display screen, and depending upon how
many teams have been selected, the Sports
Ticker scrolls across the screen. Whenever
a score occurs, the scoring team is shown
in yellow in the Sports Ticker.
IMPORTANT! A subscription package which includes play-by-play sports
channels is required. To receive all the information, including the channel
number on which the game is being broadcast, a subscription package
containing the play-by-play channels for that particular league is required.
For example, if you selected an NFL team to be displayed on the ticker and
your subscription package does not include the NFL play-by-play sports
channels, Sports Ticker will not display the channel number on which the
game is being broadcast.
Teams can be selected while you are tuned to a channel where a game is
being broadcast, or you can preselect teams through menu options. There
is no limit on the number of sports teams which can be saved for the Sports
Note: It’s possible that the game involving the team you have selected for
Sports Ticker is being broadcast on multiple SiriusXM channels
simultaneously. If so, the Sports Ticker will only display one channel number
on which the game is being broadcast.