User's Guide

To preselect (or deselect) teams for the Sports Ticker:
1. Press menu/alerts.
2. Press down
to scroll to and highlight Alerts. Press the Select button.
3. Press down
to scroll to and highlight Sports Alerts/Ticker. Press the
Select button.
4. Press down to scroll to and highlight Manage Teams. Press the
Select button.
5. Press down to scroll to and highlight the league. Press the Select
6. Each team has three selections to the left of the team name, an Alert,
Ticker, and Flash box. (Refer to “Game/Score Alerts” on page 81
for more information about Game and Score Alerts, and “SportsFlash”
on page 95 for more information about SportsFlash.) Pressing and
releasing down
or up navigates through each Alert, Ticker and
Flash box, highlighting the Alert, Ticker, or Flash box in blue. Pressing
and holding down
or up navigates through the teams.
The Alert, Ticker, and Flash boxes for teams which are not yet
selected are shown with a black background with white letters.
The Alert, Ticker, and Flash box for teams which are highlighted
for selection, but not yet selected, are shown with a blue
background and white letters.
The Alert, Ticker, and Flash boxes for teams which have been
selected are shown with a white background with black letters.
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