User's Manual

HM30 User Manual V1.2
2021 SIYI Technology, All Rights Reserved
Do not use any SIYI system to operate your aircraft/vehicle/model at places with
intensive crowd (a square, a park), or at places with many obstructions (a street, a parking
lot), or in fields with strong magnetic or interference (an electricity plant, a radar station,
railways), or in any other fields where an irregular flight/operation may cause property loss
or human injuries.
Do not hold or cover the ground unit antenna or obstruct its transmission by any means
in a flight or in an operation.
Never point the ground unit antenna’s top ends straightly to your aircraft/vehicle while
it is working, they are the weakest parts for transmission.
Do not start your aircraft/vehicle/model when you are tired, drunk, in sickness or in
any circumstances you are not feeling good.
Do not fly an aircraft/model when it is rainy, windy or at night.
Do not power off the ground unit while your aircraft’s/vehicle’s/model’s engines and
motors are still working.
Please always try to operate your aircraft/vehicle/model within sight range.
Before a flight, please return to the starting menu on the ground unit.
Do not forget to check battery level of the ground unit and the air unit before starting
your aircraft/vehicle/model.
Always power off your aircraft/vehicle/model first, HM30 ground unit the second.