User's Manual

Basic Operation
Swit ching t he phone on/ off
Sw it chin g t he phone on
1. Press and hold t he ( End) key.
The logo appears for a while.
I n case of select ing an init ial Logo to [ No picture] and [ Clk Big] : The init ial Logo displays
the num ber of recordings of recording while engaged, aut o- response recordings and voice
m ail recordings.
- When vibrat ion or Etiquet t e m ode is selected, t he vibrat ion indicat or ( etiquet t e indicator)
is displayed and t he phone vibrat es.
Various anim ations can be displayed/
The start screen varies by t he sett ing.
Sw it chin g t he phone off
1. Press and hold ( End) key.
Anim at ion is displayed for several seconds before power is off.
Making a call
1. Press local area code and phone num ber, and t hen press ( SEND) .
I f you m ake a m istake while ent ering a phone num ber, j ust press ( CLR) t o delet e t he last
2. Start t alking wit h the ot her side.
To adj ust t he volum e during a call, press ( UP/ DOWN) [ Vol] .
3. To finish t he call, close t he slide or press ( End) .
- To m ake t he call in t he Phonebook, see Personal I nform ation Manager ( PI M) Phonebook.
- Set aut om at ic local area code of t he features t o m ake a call by dialing a phone num ber
without local area code.
Redialing calls
You can redial t he last num ber called without dialing the digit s separately.
Last n um be r re dia ling
You can redial t he last num ber called.