User's Manual

1. Press ( SEND) .
- I f " Locking hist ory of out going calls" is set , you cannot t ry a call by pressing ( SEND)
key alone. (Refer to P.56)
Sea rch call hist or y an d r edial
Up t o 40 recent ly called/ answered num bers are displayed. Press [ SEND] t o redial.
< For incom ing calls>
1. Press ( DOWN) [ Call I D List ] .
- Press ( UP/ DOWN) t o find the required num ber.
- The num ber ent ered in phonebook displays nam e and icon of t he ot her side.
2. Press ( OK) [ Sel] . ( E.g.: Select John)
- You can verify t he tim e received and phone num ber.
3. Press [ Send] .
< For out going calls>
1. Press ( UP)[ calling List ]
- Press ( UP/ DOWN) t o find the required num ber.
- The num ber ent ered in phonebook displays nam e and icon of t he ot her side.
2. Press ( OK) [ Sel] .
3. Press [ Send] .
- I f [ Call I D/ Calling List Lock] is select ed, you cannot call t he last called num ber wit h
pressing [ Send] .
- For an incom ing call, t he received call num ber is display ed when Calling Line I dent ification
Present ation service is subscribed.
- For t he consecut ive incom ing/ outgoing of t he sam e num ber, the num ber is displayed on
the call hist ory screen only once. At t his t im e, t he last received/ sent tim e is displayed. To
verify how m any tim es t he num ber is receiv ed/ sent , press [ Menu] and Called t im e/ Calling
tim e.
Answering calls
1.Open t he slide when t he phone rings or vibrat es.
ress any key if t he slide has already opened. P
2.Close the slide or press ( END) t o finish t he call.
Call tim e blinks on t he screen before it ret urns t o standby m ode.
- How t o answer calls consist s of t hree m et hods such as opening t he slide, pressing any