User's Manual

Shift t o the recording t o delet e using ( Up/ Down) key.
Press ( Left / Right) t o select Yes or No depending on whether t o delet e or not, and press
[ Select ] .
Press [ Delete All] t o delete all t he saved recording lists.
During playing the recordings, you can also m ove t o the it em t o delete and press [ Delete] .
Earphone Mic ( accessory)
Earphone Mic is an optional it em , w hich is not included t o the basic supply. You should
purchase it separately.
- E/ M-200 and E/ M- 300 alike are available for SK- 5400. I f you use E/ M- 100, t he but ton on
t he m ic w ill not operat e.
1. I nsert earphone Mic to t he Earphone Mic j ack from t he top of t he m obile phone.
2. Put the earphone int o your ear. Mic is then aut om at ically placed t o your m outh.
3. You can hear and t alk wit h earphone Mic instead of m obile phone speaker and Mic.
4. Press and hold t he Mic switch. The swit ch is operat ed [ Call] function when a call is
received, as ( SEND) function t o m ake a call at t he st andby m ode, as ( End) funct ion
during t he call.
- While the earphone Mic is connected t o t he m obile phone, t he call is not disconnected
even when you close t he slide during a call.
- Press and hold t he but ton on t he m ike at standby m ode t o m ake a call t o the last called
num ber.
- Press and hold t he but ton on the m ike t o end t he call.