User's Manual

MP3 Box
? MP3 Box is the exclusive MP3 player that downloads, stores, plays and manages MP3 files.
Downloading Data Manager
1. Before connecting the mobile phone to the computer with the Data Manager cable IMCBL-900, install the
Data Manager program on the computer.
2. You can download the Data Manager program from the website of SK.
Accessing Data Manager
1. Connect the cable to the computer USB.
2. Remove the rubber cap on the bottom of the phone, and connect the cable to the phone.
3. Press (Left)[menu] ? (5)[Setup] ? (5)[Data Comm.] on the main LCD.
4. Select [USB] for [Port Set] and [AUTO(USB)] for [PC Baud Rate]. (Refer to page 57)
5. Check the connection between the PC and the phone, and run the downloaded Data Manager program.
Receiving MP3 files
1. Start the Data Manager program, select an MP3 file, and send the file to the MP3 phone.
- The PC with the Data Manager program should be connected with the MP3 phone.
* Before downloading MP3 files, check the storage capacity in (OK)[MP3 BOX]
(2)[Set Config.]
* You cannot send MP3 files from phone to PC.
Playing MP3 files
1. Press (OK)[MP3 Box] and press (1)[Mu Album].
2. Select an MP3 file you want to play with (Up/Down), and check/release with (SMS)[Select].
- The player pauses if you press (OK) during the play. Press (OK) again to resume playing.
- Press (Left) to rewind and (Right) to fast-forward the file. Adjust volume with (Up/Down).
- Press (SMS) to mute the file. If you press (WWW), the play mode changes in the order of Normal /
Repeat / Random.
3. Press (WWW)[Menu].
<The menu activated when the cursor is on the checked list>
* Del. Checked : Delete all the checked MP3 files.