Chemical Name CAS No.
*Mass range in cell
(g/g %)
Graphite 7782-42-5 15~25
Lithium nickelate 12031-65-1 15~25
Iron 7439-89-6 10~20
Lithium manganese oxide 12057-17-9 5~15
cobalt lithium dioxide 12190-79-3 1~10
Copper 7440-50-8 1~10
dimethyl carbonate 616-38-6 1~10
Aluminium 7429-90-5 1~10
Polyethylene 9002-88-4 1~10
1,3-Dioxolan-2-one 96-49-1 1~10
lithium hexafluorophosphate(1-) 21324-40-3 1~10
ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.1~1
Carbon black 1333-86-4 0.1~1
Nickel 7440-02-0 0.1~1
lithium carbonate 554-13-2 0.1~1
1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone 872-50-4 0.1~1
Because of the cell structure the dangerous ingredients will not be available if used properly.
During charge process a lithium graphite intercalation phase is formed.
Description of first aid measures
The hazardous components of this cell or battery are contained within a sealed unit. The following measures
are only applicable if exposure has occurred to components when a cell or battery leaks, is exposed to high
temperatures or is mechanically, electrically or physically abused/damaged. The hazardous contents are
caustic alkaline electrolytes contained in cells with lithium metal oxide cathodes, graphite and carbon anodes
and Polyvinylidenfluoride binders.
Ingestion: Have victim rinse mouth thoroughly with water. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Quickly transport
victim to an emergency care facility.
EYE: If eye contact with contents of an open cell occurs, immediately flush the contaminated eye(s) with
water. Quickly transport victim to an emergency care facility.
Skin Contact: Immediately flush with water. If irritation or pain persists, seek medical attention.
Inhalation: Remove the patient from exposure into fresh air, seek medical attention.
AIDERS: Do not enter corrosive vapor contaminated areas without a respirator or Self Contained Breathing
Apparatus. Wear adequate personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8.
FIRST AID FACILITIES: Eye wash bottle, fountain, safety showers or at least a source of running water are