Date: January 1
2019 Revision no.: 01
MODEL INR18650-20R
Page 14 of 22
- Copper : In maximization test on skin sensitization with guinea pig, skin sensitization was not
observed. (OECD TG 406, GLP)
- Dimethyl carbonate : In the skin sensitization test using guinea pig, this material was not skin
sensitizing. (OECD Guideline 406, GLP)
- Aluminum : In test with guinea pigs, it can be concluded that aluminium oxide has no sensitisation
potential under the experimental conditions. (Read across; Aluminium oxide)
- Polyethylene : No reactions were observed in skin sensitization test with guinea pigs.
- 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one : In the skin sensitization test using guinea pig, this material was not classified.
(OECD Guideline 406, GLP)
- Lithium hexafluorophosphate(1-) : In the skin sensitization test using mice, the test material was not
skin sensitization. (OECD Guideline 429, GLP)
- Ethyl acetate : In the skin sensitization test using guinea pig, this material was not skin sensitizing.
(OECD Guideline 406)
- Carbon black : In skin sensitization test with guinea pig, it did not induce skin sensitization. (OECD
TG 406, GLP)
- Nickel; Raney nickel : Nickel hypersensitivity dermatitis may be initiated by contact with nickel on the
- Lithium carbonate;Lithane : In the skin sensitization test using guinea pig, this material was not skin
sensitizing. (OECD Guideline 406, GLP)
- 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone : In the skin sensitization test using mice, the test material was not skin
sensitization. (OECD Guideline 429, GLP)
Carcinogenicity :
- Nickel : Group 2B
- Cobalt and cobalt compounds : Group 2B
- Polyethylene : Group 3
- Carbon black : Group 2B
- Nickel : R
- Iron : Present
- Nickel : Present
- Nickel : A5
- Cobalt and cobalt compounds : A3
- Aluminum : A4
- Carbon black : A3
- Cobalt and inorganic compounds : 2
- Carbon black : 2
- Nickel : 1A
- Lithium nickelate : Carc.1A
- Nickel : Carc.2
- Copper : EPA IRIS: D In carcinogenicity study with rat, tumor was not observed.
- Polyethylene : Fifty rats were implanted with polyethylene. In the polyethylene group, 23 developed
tumors (two of these were unrelated to the implants).
Mutagenicity :
- Graphite : Negative reactions were observed in vitro (Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay(OECD
Guideline 471, GLP)).