Date: January 1
2019 Revision no.: 01
MODEL INR18650-20R
Page 15 of 22
- Fe : In mammalian cell gene mutation assay electrolytic iron, positive carbonyl iron exhibited a
cytotoxic and mutagenic response (OECD TG 476)
- Copper : Negative reactions were observed in both in vitro(Ames test) and in vivo(DNA damage
and/or repair; unscheduled DNA synthesis, micronucleus assay). (GLP)
- Dimethyl carbonate : Negative reactions were observed in both in vitro (Mammalian Chromosome
Aberration Test (OECD Guideline 473, GLP)) and in vivo (Mammalian Spermatogonial Chromosome
Aberration Test (OECD Guideline 483))
- Aluminum : Negative reactions were observed in vitro (mammalian cell gene mutation assay with
mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells(OECD TG 476, GLP)) and in vivo (micronucleus assay with rats
(OECD TG 474, GLP)). (Aluminium hydroxide, aluminium chloride, aluminum oxide; read across)
- Polyethylene : Negative reactions were observed in Ames test using Salmonella typhimurium and
Escherichia coli.
- 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one : Negative reactions were observed in vitro (mammalian cell gene mutation
assay (OECD Guideline 476, GLP)).
- Lithium hexafluorophosphate(1-) : Negative reactions were observed in both in vivo (Mammalian
Erythrocyte Micronucleus test(OECD Guideline 474)) and in vitro (Bacterial Reverse Mutation
Assay(OECD Guideline 471, GLP)).
- Ethyl acetate : Negative reactions were observed in both in vitro(Bacterial Reverse Mutation
Assay(OECD Guideline 471)) and in vivo (Mammalian Erythrocyte Micronucleus Test(OECD
Guideline 474)).
- Carbon black : Negative reactions were observed in both in vitro(Bacterial gene mutation test(OECD
TG 471, GLP), Chromosomal aberrations test(OECD TG 476)) and in vivo(DNA damage and/or repair
- Lithium carbonate;Lithane : Negative reactions were observed in vitro (Bacterial Reverse Mutation
Assay(OECD Guideline 471, GLP)).
- 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone : Negative reactions were observed in both in vitro (Chromosomal
aberrations test (OECD Guideline 476, GLP)) and in vivo (Mammalian Erythrocyte Micronucleus Test
(OECD Guideline 474, GLP)).
Reproductive toxicity :
- Copper : In reproductive toxicity with rats, there were no effects considered (up to 1500 ppm).
(OECD TG 416, GLP)
- Aluminum : No reproduction, breeding and early post-natal developmental toxicity was observed in
rats at 1000 mg/kg bw for males and females. (OECD TG 422, GLP)(Aluminium chloride; read across)
- Lithium hexafluorophosphate(1-) : In the two-generation reproductive toxicity with rats, no effects
observed on reproductive toxicity. (male/female)(OECD Guideline 416, GLP)(OECD Guideline
414)(Information on major hydrolysis product of the registered substance (released rapidly on contact
with water/moisture))
- Carbon black : No adverse effects on the reproductive function are expected.(OECD TG 414)
Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) :
- Fe : If inhaled, iron is a local irritant to the lung and gastrointestinal tract.
- Copper : All animals showed expected gains in bodyweight over the study period and there were no
abnormalities noted at necropsy. (OECD TG 423, GLP)
- Aluminum : In test using rats, Clinical signs of depression, laboured respiration, piloerection and
hunched appearance was noted at the highest dose 15900 mg/kg. Macroscopic examination at the
end of the observation period did not reveal any aluminium-related changes of the internal organs of
the aluminium treated animals compared to the control group. (OECD TG 401)(Fumed alumina; read
- Polyethylene : No test substance-related toxic effects were observed in an acute oral toxicity study
with rats.
- Lithium hexafluorophosphate(1-) : Clinical signs observed during the study period were lethargy,
hunched posture, uncoordinated movements, piloerection at 300 mg/kg, hunched posture, piloerection
at 50 mg/kg. The surviving animals had recovered from the symptoms by Day 3.(OECD Guideline 423,