Install Instructions

Page 23
Model 86 Trouble Shooting Guide
Problem Evidence Solution(s)
Low humidity Low water level Turn thermostat up to activate heat blower opera-
(less than 2" deep tion, then check the following:
in reservoir) Turn adjustment screw counterclockwise () to
raise water level.
No water in reser- Turn water on at saddle valve.
voir Turn off water main and check for possible
obstruction in saddle valve or float valve.
Drum not rotating Set humidistat higher.
Check for blown circuit breaker.
Turn thermostat up to activate heat and blower
Check all wiring connections.
Check output voltage on transformer (24 to 29
Test motor by connecting good transformer to
motor leads. (NOTE: Disconnect humidistat from
Check humidistat for continuity.
Check to see that the drum shaft is engaged
with motor drive coupling.
Clean excessive mineral deposits off drum.
Heavy mineral Mineral buildup on the pad closes off pores and
buildup restricts airflow.
Clean or replace the evaporative pad as indi-
cated in the maintenance instructions.
Short blower De-rating the furnace causes it to run longer on
cycles less fuel, and causes the humidifier to produce
more moisture.
Call your HVAC contractor.
Drafts Drafts are caused by rapid air changes in the
Keep doors and windows closed.
Close fireplace damper when not in use.
Keep exhaust fan running times to a
Seal around doors and windows to prevent
added cold, dry air from overburdening your
High humidity Heavy conden- This may be a temporary condition caused by
sation on windows bathing, cooking, mopping, etc.
Turn humidistat down enough to eliminate con-
Condensation on Turn humidistat and water supply off until con-
walls densation is completely evaporated.
Humidifier over- High or overflow- Inspect valve seat for defects. (Valve seat is
flows ing water reversible—reverse or replace.)
Inspect valve nozzle for cracks or erosion.
Make sure humidifier is level.