User's Manual

use of SkyGolf course maps or other SkyGolf Software.
d. You affirmingly and expressly agree that Licensor may, from time to
time, send communications to you regarding (i) your SkyCaddie
Product, (ii) the SkyGolf Software, (iii) your SkyGolf and/or SkyGolf
account, (iv) other notifications relevant to the SkyGolf
Product you have registered with Licensor, and (v) special product or
service promotions or offers. These communications may come from
either Licensor directly or through third parties providing member
benefit services for Licensor. This permission supersedes any
previous opt outs by you.
e. This License Agreement is effective until expiration, unless sooner
terminated by Licensor. To the extent this License Agreement
includes the licensing of Software or other components also licensed
in connection with a SkyGolf Membership Plan (including access to
SkyGolf course maps and to advanced course management
features) and/or a SkyGolf 360 mobile application (including
statistical analysis and storing of playing information), this License
Agreement with respect to such Software or other components
expires simultaneously with the expiration of such Membership Plan
or mobile application. Additionally, this license terminates,
without notice, if you fail to comply with any provision of this
Agreement. You agree upon expiration or termination to destroy the
SkyGolf Software, together with all copies, modifications and merged
portions in any form, including any copy in your computer memory or
on a hard disk.
f. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein, the license
granted hereunder shall only apply to the extent the SkyGolf
Product on which the SkyGolf Software is installed was purchased by
you in an authorized US sale, you were a resident of the US at the
time you purchased the SkyGolf Product and you registered the
SkyGolf Product using your bona fide US address. Post office boxes