User's Manual

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Make a second Incoming Call (Call Waiting)
1. When you are in the Active call and you want to have a second incoming call
2. Press Answer button the DC when the incoming call screen is appeared
3. Once the 2nd call is answered by press of ANSWER button, the first call goes to Held
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
Incoming Call
1. If you receive an Incoming Call while in any source, a pop-up window will appear
2. You can choose to ANSWER or IGNORE the incoming phone call
3. The halo will default to the ANSWER Button, so to Answer the call you would just press in on the
Volume knob to answer the phone call
4. Use the volume knob to move the halo to the IGNORE Button and then press in on the volume knob to
ignore the phone call and return to the play screen of the source you are currently using
5. If you answer the phone call, a pop-up window will appear showing the call status and an option To END
the phone call
6. While the phone call is in progress, this Call Status window will stay active until you End the phone Call
or if the call has been ended by the person calling in
7. When the call has been completed, you will return to the source you are currently using
Transfer Call
1. When you are in the Active call press the TRANSFER button
2. 0: suppo
ted transfer from Hands Free mode to private mode (0: to Mobile Phone)
3. 0: suppo
ted from Private mode to Hands free mode (Mobile Phone to 0:)
4. During an incoming (in band ringtone) or outgoing call the 0: cannot establish an audio connection
with the linked Mobile phone, the 0: shall transfer to private call
5. When the call is ended, you will go back to the last played source
Swap Call / Conference Call
1. User can swap the two call by pressing Swap option on Display Controller
2. User can also merge the 3 calls to make it conference call, press merge button on the screen.