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The temperature cut-off. It is the temperature of the battery, or more precisely the temperature at
the slot sensor, at which the program will stop with an abnormal program termination message. A
safety option, it can protect batteries against unexpected overheating. While recommended for
better air circulation around the round battery, measurement of battery temperature will be
particularly off when the battery is left hanging suspended between the contacts.
The timer cut-off. Stops the program with an abnormal program termination message when the
total time has reached this value. Primarily devised as safety option, it could also be used for
intentional program stops after a given time of operation, for example in conjunction with the Zero
or -Zero parameters of the Storage operation mode.
The termination current of the CV-phase of Li-Ion battery charging algorithm, also of NiZn. When
reaching TARGET VOLT, e.g. 4.20V, this option will hold the voltage constant while automatically
reducing the current down to the specified value before it terminates the charging routine. A high
termination current serves battery health but will not charge the full battery capacity. The
parameter defaults to 10% of C.CURRENT, an industrial standard. "Zero" means an ever
decreasing charging current: not good for your patience or battery but allows to produce quasi-
constant 4.200V battery voltage if that’s what you’re after. OFF means no CV-phase once the
target voltage has been reached.
Discharge Reduce. Applies to the discharge routine of a program. Inversely similar to the CV-
phase of Li-Ion battery charging algorithm, when reaching CUT VOLT, this option will hold that
voltage constant while automatically reducing the current down to the specified value before it
terminates the discharging routine. Setting this option will extend the discharging period beyond
the time for normal discharge cut-off, discharge even more electric charge, but never let the
battery fall below the cut-off voltage. Since battery offline voltage tends to recover after a
discharge process, reducing the discharge current helps to reduce the extent of recovery. "-Zero"
means that the discharge current will continue to decrease, approaching 0A infinitesimally;
beware, this could take forever and may also not serve battery health. Not terribly useful in most
cases, the Storage operation mode does profit from this option though.If you are confused, just
turn it OFF.
The restart voltage. Applies to programs which end with a charging routine. When such a program
has finished, the voltage of bad-health batteries is prone to decline rather fast due to self-
discharging phenomena. Setting this value for example 0.05V lower than TARGET VOLT will
guarantee a minimum battery voltage when removing the battery. Naturally, one cannot set it
higher than the TARGET VOLT parameter. What exactly will happen when the voltage has
dropped by the 0.05V? That depends on the firmware version. Generally speaking, the slot
restarts some charging. For all operation modes the factory default is OFF.
Delta-peak sensibility. A technical parameter to control charge termination of NiMH/NiCd batteries
through the commonly recommended negative delta voltage -dV or -dV/dt method, or through the
zero delta voltage method, 0dV or 0dV/dt. When charging a healthy specimen at constant current
the voltage graph normally peaks around full charge completion. A higher setting will ensure that
this peak has been passed with certainty but will also charge longer than necessary. "0dV" will
terminate the charging when the peak extends to a voltage plateau, i.e. does not show a well
defined voltage drop. The latter may happen with old batteries or at very low charge rates or both.
As a rule of thumb, use -dV for topped off charging and 0dV as no-brainer in all other cases.
Trickle charge. A small current typically applied after a Charge or Refresh program has finished to
counter the effects of self-discharge, it helps to keep the batteries topped off, i.e. fully charged, as
long as the batteries are left in the charger tray. Not contributing to the capacity nor the energy
count, available for NiMH/NiCd batteries only, and with modern LSD batteries often neither
needed nor wanted, a too high value may overcharge and keep the battery heated, which would
not serve battery health. Use with good reason. The factory default is OFF.
Determines the point in time when the trickle charge should be applied. When a program finishes
with a charging routine, End would cause trickling to set in right after that last charging routine and
continue indefinitely, until the user stops the slot. Rest would cause trickling to be applied during
all C.RESTING phases of the program for the exact duration of the rest phase: in a Cycle program
between the Charge>Discharge routines, or when a program finishes with a charging routine plus
a subsequent rest phase.
After a Factory Reset, this SPV option defaults to the present program number in the slot under
consideration, referred to as "Slot" in the GSV option of the same name. Changing the program
number here allows the user to save the entire modified set of program settings under a different
program number, leaving the original set of program settings intact, very similarly to the "Save
As..." function as known from common PC software applications. The parameters "Ready" and
"All Slots" facilitate assigning identical programs, duplicates, to other slots by overwriting in
parallel the currently assigned programs. "Ready" saves the program under the present program
number to all ready slots. "All Slots" first saves the changes under the present program number
and then copies the entire program including its program number over to all four slots; in currently
active slots, the new program will not become active until the slot with the ongoing program has
been stopped.
Example: In TOV, slot#1 be empty and assigned with PROGRAM[09]. In SPV, after decrementing
the program number of/in #1 from [09] to [03] at the inverted top row, you access PROGRAM[03]
to edit its settings, thereby generating a "[03*]" in #1 so to speak. The last row in SPV defaults to
SAVE TO [03]; depressing <ENTER> would just save [03*] under [03] and make it the active
program in #1. Depressing <ENTER> on SAVE TO [05] would save [03*] as program[05],
overwriting whatever PROGRAM[05] has been before, and return to TOV; the original [03] stays
intact in #1, as if untouched. If (inactive) slot#2 was assigned with [05] before, then #2 would be
now ready yet to run the [03*] so to speak. Depressing <ENTER> on SAVE TO All Slots would
first save [03*] under [03] and then make it the new program in all slots. Depressing <ENTER> on
SAVE TO Ready would first save [03*] under [03] and then scan for ready slots: if there were any
ready slots, [03] would become their new program; however, since #1 is an empty slot in our
example, the slot would keep [09] and not adopt [03].