
# V O L T C U R R m A h
1 . 2 6
1 . 4 9
3 . 0 7
3 . 8 5
- 1 . 5 0
0 . 0 3
0 . 0 0
- 0 . 0 4
4 3 2
2 3 7 8
3 1 0 9
6 5 4
13 ·
· 12
How to get there Depending on the situation, depressing the STOP button or clicking it once,
twice, or thrice will get you back to TOV.
How to exit — In TOV, remove all batteries and unplug the device from mains.
The total overview (TOV) is the main view where other views automatically revert to after periods
of user inactivity. In tabular format, it shows at a glance the most important bits of information
about the operation of the slots. The top line marks the column headers for slot number (#),
battery voltage (VOLT), current (CURR), and the transferred electric charge (mAh), often
lackadaisically called capacity. The 2nd row starts with “1”, for #1, and thus refers to the first slot,
i.e. the slot with the number 1 on its slot number button (SNB#1); the next row starts with “2”, etc.
The symbol next to the slot number indicates the operation mode. Voltage is displayed in units of
1 Volt (1V) rounded to 2 decimals, current is displayed in units of 1 Ampere (1A) also rounded to 2
decimals. Tracking the full resolution of 3 decimals (+0.001V, +0.001A) is possible through the PC
software interface only. Capacity is measured in units of 1 milliAmpere*hour (1mAh), higher
resolution (+0.1mAh) can be viewed on the PC through the PC Link.
When a battery is inserted please mind correct polarity insertion its voltage is displayed along
with the specific program preassigned to the slot and identifiable through its program number.
Unless you are sure that this is indeed the program you intend to run on your battery, you must
check or change the program number or the program settings.
TOV is also used for displaying message or quick info lines, for example at abnormal program
termination. In case of an error, the SNB would be blinking red and it is then up to the user’s
discretion to find out how to quit the error message. When certain viewssuch as SOV or SPV
return to TOV, the rows display for the duration of an instant helpful or not so helpful info snippets
regarding the respective program number.
The controls in TOV are as follows:
When there are ready slots, pressing the ENTER button (=Start All) will start them at once. This
is useful if you do want to start all the ready slots together at the same time.
If there are active slots, i.e. finished or busy, depressing the UP or DOWN button will get you to
DDV; otherwise it has no effect.
• When there are active slots, depressing the STOP button (=Stop All) will stop them simultaneously.
If all slots are inactive, i.e. ready or empty, depressing the STOP button (=SETUP) will get you to GSV.
• Clicking the SNB of an inactive slot will get you to its SPV.
• Clicking the SNB of an active slot will get you to its SOV, whereas depressing it will stop the slot.
The latter is useful if you want to fully stop the operation of particular single slot and not just finish
its program.
Depressing the SNB of a ready slot will start the assigned program in the slot. This is useful if
you want to start the ready slots individually.
• Depressing the SNB of an "empty" slot will try to release the tripped protection circuit of
protected Li-Ion batteries. Repeat this procedure a few times until the seemingly empty slot has
turned into a ready slot.
If there are ready slots, clicking UP+DOWN will process them for the reproducible
measurement of battery internal resistance. Also useful for checking and minimizing the contact
resistances within the electrical connection.
If there are inactive slots, clicking UP+SNB or DOWN+SNB will recall the program number
stored under that shortcut and copy the program over to all inactive slots at once.
In case of no batteries in the slots with no user activity for some time, an LCD screensaver will
get activated.
Symbol for CHARGE operation mode: ↑
Symbol for DISCHARGE operation mode: ↓
Symbol for REFRESH operation mode: ↕
Symbol for CYCLE operation mode: ∂
Symbol for STORAGE operation mode: ∞
Symbol for BREAK_IN operation mode: ☼
Symbol for TRICKLE charge: T
Symbol for RESTING routine: ÷
By looking at the algebraic sign of the battery current and the symbols or their inversions it
becomes evident at which program stage the slots currently are. The symbols for the operation
modes are as follows. The inverted version appears in TOV after program completion:
# V O L T C U R R m A h
4 . 1 8
4 . 2 0
3 . 7 5
0 . 0 0 3 4 6 7
2 . 9 9 1 2 8 9
P R O G R A M [ 0 5 ]