Service Manual User Manual

Transfer Case and Drive Shafts
6.4.3 Drive Shaft Removal
IMPORTANT: To help ensure optimum performance, the
drive shaft assemblies are specially balanced as a unit at
the factory. When servicing any flange yoke, slip yoke, or
drive shaft tube, order a complete assembly if components
are bent or damaged. Refer to the
Sky Trak International
Model 3606 Parts Manual
for ordering information.
Removal of any of the three drive shafts (front, rear, and
transmission-to-transfer box) involves fairly straightforward
and simple procedures. A typical removal sequence is
outlined below:
1. Level the vehicle, ground the carriage, place the
travel select lever in NEUTRAL (N), engage the
parking brake switch and shut the engine OFF.
2. The drive shaft assembly is a balanced assembly. Mark
the yoke and axle, transmission, transfer case, and the
shaft and slip yoke so that these components can be
returned to their original positions when reinstalled.
Yokes at both ends of the drive shaft must be in the
same plane to help prevent excessive vibration.
3. Remove the M12 hex-head capscrews (Fig. 6–4) and
flat washers securing the flange yoke to the transfer
4. Remove the drive shaft assembly.
6.4.4 Drive Shaft Disassembly
IMPORTANT: To help ensure optimum performance, the
drive shaft assemblies are specially balanced as a unit at
the factory. When servicing any flange yoke, slip yoke, or
drive shaft tube, order a complete assembly if components
are bent or damaged. Refer to the
Sky Trak International
Model 3606 Parts Manual
for ordering information.
1. Use an approved, non-flammable cleaning fluid to
thoroughly clean the drive shaft assembly with a
brush. Wipe dry before disassembling.
2. Place the drive shaft assembly in a bench vise.
3. Use a pair of pliers to pinch the ends of the retaining
rings (see Fig. 6–4) securing the cross and bearing
assemblies to the yokes. Remove the retaining rings
from their grooves in the yokes.
Note: If the retaining rings fail to readily snap out of their
grooves in the yokes, tap the end of the bearing cap
lightly to help relieve pressure against the retaining rings.
4. Use a soft, round drive pin with a flat face
approximately 1/32 of an inch (0,8 mm) smaller than
the hole diameter in the yoke to drive on one end of
the cross and bearing assembly until the opposite
bearing assembly comes out of the yoke.
5. Turn the yoke over and tap on the exposed end of the
cross until the opposite bearing assembly comes out
of the yoke.
6. Remove the cross from the yoke.
7. Repeat Step 2 through Step 6 to remove the cross
and bearing assembly on the other end of the drive
8. Mark the shaft and slip yoke so that they can be
properly aligned when reassembled. Yokes at both
ends of the drive shaft must be in the same plane to
help prevent excessive vibration.
9. Unscrew the dust cap and slide the slip yoke off of
the drive shaft spline.
10. Remove the dust cap, split retaining ring, and felt
seal from the shaft assembly.
6.4.5 Drive Shaft Cleaning and Drying
1. Disassemble and clean all parts using an approved
cleaning fluid. Allow to dry.
2. Remove any burrs or rough spots from any machined
surfaces. Re-clean and dry as required.
6.4.6 Drive Shaft Assembly
1. Install the dust cap (Fig. 6–4), split retaining ring, and
felt seal onto the splines of the drive shaft tube
IMPORTANT: Ensure that the reference marks made
before removal on the drive shaft and slip yoke are
aligned. The drive shaft and yokes must be in the same
plane to help prevent excessive vibration.
2. Align the reference marks made before removal on
the drive shaft and slip yoke.
3. Slide the slip yoke (Fig. 6–4) onto the splines of the
drive shaft and tighten the dust cap securely. DO
NOT overtighten or the cap will break.
4. Install the cross and bearing assembly into the yoke.
5. Secure the cross and bearing assembly in the yoke
with retaining rings. Pinch each retaining ring with a
pliers and insert them into their grooves in the yoke.
Model 3606 • Origin 10/99