Service Manual User Manual

Hydraulic System
There are numerous hydraulic hoses, tube lines, fittings,
etc., used on this vehicle. Periodically inspect all of these
and carefully examine any signs of wear, abrasion and/or
deterioration. Determine whether any further use of the
component would constitute a hazard. If in doubt, replace
the component. Conditions including but not limited to the
following are sufficient for considering replacement:
a. Any evidence of hydraulic fluid leakage at the surface
of a flexible hose or its junction with the metal and
b. Any blistering or abnormal deformation to the outer
covering of a hydraulic hose;
c. Hydraulic oil leakage at any threaded or clamped
joint that cannot be eliminated by normal tightening
or other recommended procedures; and/or
d. Evidence of excessive abrasion or scrubbing on the
outer surface of a hose, rigid tube, or hydraulic fitting.
Modification must be made to eliminate the
interference of the elements in contact with one
another, or to otherwise protect the components from
contact with one another. Slightly moving a hose or
adjusting a plastic tie wrap may often be all that is
necessary to eliminate interference; evaluate each
situation and proceed as required by the individual
9.5.1 Hose, Tube, Line and Fitting Replacement
Before removing a hydraulic hose or component, always
mark or otherwise label the related parts and the exact
location the hose or component is being removed from to
aid in proper re-installation. Hydraulic fluid is a good
cleaner and will, if only inadvertently, remove most liquid-
ink type markings, so make sure the mark or label will
remain intact. Alternative methods to using so-called
“magic” markers, include color-coded tie wraps, number-
tag sets, alpha-numeric stampings or markings, and suit-
ably-labeled pieces of tape. Select an appropriate mark-
ing method for the conditions and proceed accordingly.
NEVER replace a hydraulic hose or other component
with a part not specifically designed for this vehicle. For
example, replacing a hydraulic hose rated for use in a
3700 psi (255 bar) circuit with a common garden hose
can result in an exploded garden hose, hydraulic fluid
spray, and other damage or personal injury. Use only fac-
tory-approved parts for best performance and safety.
Removal and replacement of hoses, tube lines, fittings,
etc., usually involves straightforward procedures. When
removing a hydraulic hose or other component, be aware
that O-rings are used throughout the hydraulic system.
Always replace a used O-ring with a new one.
Check all routing of hoses, wiring and tubing for sharp
bends or interference with any rotating members. Install
appropriate protective devices such as tie wraps and
conduit to help shield hoses from damage. All tube and
hose clamps must be tight.
Model 3606 • Origin 10/99