User's Manual

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Customizing SlingPlayer
76 Slingbox User Guide
Adding New Skins
You need to add skins before you can use them on your SlingPlayer.
To add a new skin:
1. Select Player > SlingPlayer Options.
The Options window opens.
2. Click Sling Central in the Skins tab.
Alternatively, you can navigate to using your web browser.
3. Download the required skin to a convenient location on your PC.
4. In the Options window, click Add.
The Import SlingPlayer Skins window opens.
5. Browse and select the skin you downloaded. Click Open.
SlingPlayer adds the new skin.
Removing Skins
If you are bored of a particular skin, remove it. It will save you a few kilobytes.
To remove a skin:
1. Select Player > SlingPlayer Options.
The Options window opens.
2. Select the skin you want to remove in the Skins tab.
3. Click Remove.
A confirmation appears.
4. Click OK to delete the skin from your system.
It is advisable to store all your skins in the same directory.