User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Customizing SlingPlayer
84 Slingbox User Guide
Adding Favourite Controls
A favourite control button allows you to control the connected device quickly. You dont have to use the
remote control.
To add a favourite control:
1. Select the Favourite Bar to which you want to add the channel.
2. Click on SlingPlayer.
The Favourites window opens.
3. Select Control.
4. Search and select for the name of the control. If you cannot find the icon:
•Click Custom to browse and select an appropriate icon available on your system.
Select Use channel name for button image. This will add the channel Name to the icon.
5. Enter the Name of the control. This Name will appear as a tool tip if you mouse over the icon.
6. Click > to select the control Command.
7. Click Add. SlingPlayer adds the control and the icon to your favourites bar.
8. Continue this process to add more favourite channels or controls. Click Close to close this window.
See “Adding Favourite Channels” on page 83.
If you have a mouse with a wheel button, you can quickly scroll
through your favourite channels by pointing to the Favourites
area and moving the wheel up or down.
You can add a control not available in SlingRemote to your