Safety Manual

Before Each Use
Sling users shall be trained – Do not use this sling unless you are
properly trained. Follow all instructions and warnings in this
manual and in the Twin-Path® user manual.
DEATH or INJURY can occur from improper use or care.
Check tag to conrm that sling is adequately rated for the load.
Inspect sling for damage in accordance with the Twin-Path® user
Inspections shall be completed before each use and must include
all items being used.
Periodic inspections shall be completed at least annually or more
frequently depending on service.
Periodic inspections shall be documented. Refer to ASME B30.9
and manufacturer recommendations
Login into the Check-Fast® Plus application with your user name
and password.
Begin pairing the slings by clicking the “Scan Slings” button on the
“LIFT tab. Slings within a 500ft radius should appear.
Once sling(s) are paired they will be added to your
inventory. Sling(s) in inventory can be selected to show additional
Multiple slings can be monitored simultaneously from the “LIFT
Screen. Or individually from by clicking on the sling.
Slings will show status, signal strength, and overload indication.
Green status indicates the sling is within its normal range of use.
Red indicates overload.
If indication of overload is detected or observed – stop
the lift immediately!
Slings should be kept away from possible mechanical damage,
corrosion, dust, grit and temperatures above 180 degrees F.
To clean sling: use mild soap and water and allow to air dry before
storing. Do not machine wash or dry.
Field repair is not permitted. Return sling to a Slingmax® Dealer
for repairs.
Sling will not connect to base station.
1. Ensure base station is plugged into the computer.
2. Ensure sling is within signal range – Obstructions may
aect signal range.
3. Restart computer.
Sling is indicating overload without having a load on it.
1. Sling may have exhibited damage during its last lift or
during handling – return to a Slingmax® Dealer for repair.
Text messages/emails are not being sent.
1. Ensure computer is connected to the internet.
2. Ensure SMS alerts are turned on for each user.
3. Ensure phone number and email addresses are accurate.
4. Check spam messages.
Determine the weight of the load.
Check the tag to conrm that the sling is rated adequately for the
load in the manner or hitches that it will be used. Refer to load
angle, choke angle and other relevant charts.