User's Manual

iHelmet Hair Growth System (Model: LTD160Pro) User Manual V1.0
1) When used as instructed, the LED on the ON/OFF switch will light up during your
treatment. Once the treatment has begun, the timer will count down the treatment time
and the Lasers will be powered on. When the treatment is finish you will hear a beep to
indicate the end of the treatment, at which point all the lasers will turn off.
2) If you take off the helmet while the treatment is still going on, the treatment will pause
and will not start up until the helmet is put back onto your head within 3 minutes. The
helmet will be turn off if the pause time exceeds 3 minutes.
3) Do NOT look directly at the laser lights while they are on. Please check the unit to see
if the light on the ON/OFF switch illuminates, and if not, then contact Slinphat the serial
number provided in the Troubleshooting section of this manual. Do not look directly at the
lasers. If you have any issue or problem which is noticed with the device, please contact
Slinph to ask for service.
4.6 The Sign of the end of the Treatment
When the session is finished, you will hear a beep and the helmet will be turned off
Warning: The helmet cannot be continuously used twice or more within 48 hours.
4.7 After Treatment
1) Once your treatment is finished, you can remove the helmet. Store your iHelmet back in the
original box, or in a cool dry location.