User's Manual

Introduction uClinux NEEK BSP
16-Mbytes Intel P30/P33 flash and LCD multimedia card. To get the details of
NEEK kit, please read NEEK user guide located at /DOCS.
1.3 Supported Devices
The NEEK board devices that are currently supported in the uClinux kernel with
the uClinux NEEK BSP include:
SD Card IP
10/100 Ethernet IP
VGA/LCD Controller IP
Touch Panel IP
Audio Codec Configuration IP
Serial UART
1.4 Development Platform Requirements
We assume that user is familiar with Altera tools. Following are Development
platform requirements:
Any Linux distribution having good hardware configuration with at least
2.5 GB free space.
Altera Development Tools (7.2 or above).
This uClinux BSP is tested on RED Hat Fedora 7 core but it should work on other
Linux Desktop distribution also. You can build the kernel and application on
Linux desktop only. The images built on Linux can be downloaded and run on
Windows if the Altera Development tools are installed.
This BSP will not work on Cygwin environment.
1.5 Setup
To startup and begin communicating with the board:
1. Establish communication between target (Board) and host (PC) using
JTAG cable.
2. Establish a network connection using RJ45 Ethernet cable to debug the
3. Establish a serial connection using RS232 cable to use Serial UART as
2 System Level Solutions