Installation Manual

in-lite INSTALLATION MANUAL SMART HUB-150 03-09-2019
Installation tips
Tip 1
Use plenty of cable for the installation. In that case the cable will have enough
length if the garden subsides a little.
Tip 2
Insulate the cable ends with caps. You can do this by pulling the end three
centimetres of cable apart and putting a cap on each end. You do not need to
remove any insulation from the cable.
Tip 3
When connecting the fixtures leave plenty of cable from the fixture. There are
special extension cables (CBL-EXT CORD) of 1 metre and 3 metres available to
increase the distance of the fixture to the main cable. These are easy to install
between the mini-connector on the fixture and the mini-connector on the Easy-
If after reading these instructions you have further question about installing 12 V
cable, please contact your dealer.
Installing fixtures on 12 V
You can easily connect in-lite fixtures to the low-voltage cable using the Easy-
Lock connector (supplied with each fixture).
Important: always check the manual for specific instructions for the relevant
fixture. See
Step 1
Join the Easy-Lock connector to the main cable.
a. Clamp the cable duct on top of the main cable. There should be no space
left between the cable and the duct.
b. Place the cable duct (with the cable at the bottom) in the Easy-Lock
c. Tighten the threaded cap on the Easy-Lock connector. This will cause the
contacts to be pushed through the insulation on the cable. In tightening
the cap, a little gel is applied to the contacts in the Easy-Lock connector.
This serves to protect the contacts against moisture. A little gel may
possibly come out of the Easy-Lock connector: so after installation (and/or
before a meal), wash your hands with soap and water, and avoid the gel
coming into contact with your eyes.
Step 2
Connect the Easy-Lock to the fixture by connecting the mini-connector. If the
lamp does not work correctly, check that the Easy-Lock connector is properly
connected to the main cable. Do the same for the mini-connector. Repeat steps 1
and 2. When the fixture is connected to the main cable also check that the
contacts of the Easy-Lock connector are not bent. If you have any problems,
contact your dealer.