User's Manual

The Contacts screen is the default screen that appears when you
power on your neoChat.
Your neoChat has four main function screens. You can move from one
function screen to another by pressing the corresponding function key
on the keyboard:
Contacts This screen displays your Contacts and enables you to
communicate with them. (This is the default screen when you power
on your neoChat.)
Messages This screen displays your Email, SMS, and IM chat
messages and enables you to send and receive messages.
My IM Status This screen displays your current IM user status
and enables you to change your IM status as it appears to your IM
Settings This screen displays your profile settings, as well as
settings of your neoChat and neoFone, and enables you to change
those settings.
Task Bar
A common element on each of the four function screens is the Task
Bar at the top of the screen:
Sort Field
The Sort field is situated below the Task Bar on the Messages and
Contacts screens. Information viewed in these screens is displayed
according to a specific sort that you select. You can choose what
information you want to see in a particular screen by customizing the
Sort field.
Getting Started
neoChat Reference Guide
Contacts Screen
Task Bar
neoChat Reference Guide
More About
LED Behavior
Icon Description
Task Bar Icons
Sent Email.
Downloading more…Animated icon displayed
next to Email when downloading the rest of
that Email.
Screen identifier. Each screen type (Messages,
Contacts, Settings, My Status) has its own
unique icon.
Screen title. Each screen type has its own
unique title. The number indicates how many
items are listed in the current sort in the screen.
Display Sound status (if mute).
New IM, Email or SMS message in Unread list.
When neoChat is checking for new Email, an
animated envelope will be displayed.
Your IM Status is displayed in the task bar.
When connecting to IM Server, your IM Status
icon animates.
Blocked IM Contact.
LED Description
Green - single blink
every second.
Green - single blink
every 20 seconds.
Green - continuous
PMG connection OK, M20 battery capacity
less than 20%, no unread messages.
PMG connection OK, M20 battery capacity
more than 20%, no unread messages.
PMG connection OK, M20 battery is