User's Manual

ASY90177-3 User Guide 0.5 © Copyright SMART Modular Technologies 2004 Page 5 of 5
Modular FCC and Industry Canada Certification Notice
The ASY90177-3 module has been tested and received FCC and Industry Canada certifications as a modular
transceiver product. No further testing of the module is necessary. The FCC and Industry Canada certifications of
the module are valid only under the following conditions:
No modification to the module has been made.
The internal antenna of the module must not be altered in any way.
The FCC and Industry Canada certifications apply only to the module. The OEM customers must determine
if additional testing and certifications are required for their own circuitry.
If the FCC and Industry Canada certification numbers are not visible when this unit is installed inside
another product, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label
referring to the installed module. This label should be clearly legible and contain the following text:
This product contains a certified RF transceiver module
FCC ID KOC-901773
IC: 1961C-901773