User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Maintaining the display
Checking the display installation 41
Cleaning the display 41
Maintaining ventilation 42
Preventing condensation 42
Replacing the pens and eraser 43
Turning the display off and back on 43
Resetting the display 44
Removing and transporting the display 44
With proper maintenance, the display will provide years of use.
Checking the display installation
Inspect the display installation frequently to ensure that it remains securely installed.
l Check the mounting location for signs of damage or weakness that can occur over time.
l Check for loose screws, gaps, distortions or other issues that could occur with the mounting
If you find an issue, contact a trained installer.
Cleaning the display
Follow these instructions to clean the display’s screen without damaging its anti-glare coating or
other product components.
l Do not use permanent or dry-erase markers on the screen. If dry-erase markers are used on
the screen, remove the ink as soon as possible with a lint-free, non-abrasive cloth.
l Do not rub the screen with dense or rough material.
l Do not apply excessive pressure to the screen.