User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Tips for Formatting CSV Files for Importing Class Lists
The order of the columns isn’t important, but the first row must contain the column
headings identifying what’s in each column.
You must have a column with the heading “ID Number”.
You must put a single space between “ID” and “Number”.
In place of “ID Number”, you can use: “ID”, “Student ID” or “Number”.
If you don't use a correct column name for the “ID Number”, the import fails.
The student name columns are optional.
For the student’s given names, you can use “First Name” for the column
For the student’s family names, you can use “Last Name” as the column
You must put a single space between “First” (or Last) and “Name”.
In place of “First Name”, you can use “Surname”.
In place of “Last Name”, you can use “Last”, “Family Name” or “Surname”.
Use the heading “Full Name” to import a single value that combines the first and
last names.
You must put a single space between “Full” and “Name”.
In place of “Full Name”, you can use “Full”, or “Name”.
If you use “Full Name”, the software first checks to see if the first and last
names are separated by a comma. E.g., “Last”, “First”. If there isn't a comma,
it separates the names with a space. For instance, “First Last”.
If you enter three or more names with spaces between the names, the
software uses the last word as the last name and joins all of the first words to
form the first name. For instance, “Michael John Smith” is split with the last
name as Smith, and the first name as Michael John.
If your spreadsheet or database software inserts double-quote characters around
the comma-separated values, the software ignores them and the import works
To import a class list
from a CSV file
1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu
bar, and select Click here to start a class.
2. Click ...switch to Gradebook view if you aren’t already in Gradebook view.
3. Click Add a Class in the Gradebook area on the left.