User Manual

Traceability control system PC software
Enter an arbitrary number between 0 and 999.
(4) [Next PT No,]
A tightening condition can be set to automatically follow another condition. Up to 10
conditions can be registered. Enter the number of the pattern.
* To repeat a condition, enter 0 for the condition.
(5) [Memo mode]
Invalid: Torque data will not be stored in the memory of the torque wrench.
Valid: Up to 6,000 sets of torque data will be stored in the memory of the torque wrench.
4) Tightening support functions
This function is used to support the tightening work.
When tightening the set [Control number] of times, automatically transitions to the pattern No
registered in the [Next PT No,].
PT01: Tighten three times with Lower torque of 1.0Nm and Upper torque of 3.0Nm
Upon completion of PT01, start PT02 automatically and repeat the steps.
PT02: Tighten three times with Lower torque of 2.0Nm and Upper torque of 4.0Nm
Upon completion of PT02, start PT01 automatically and repeat the steps.
5) Mode setting
Set the various modes of the torque wrench.
(1) [Auto mode] (Only for HTW)
Manual: Individual mode (Confirmation is required to move to next tightening operation
after completion of previous operation.)
Auto: Continuous mode (Next tightening operation will automatically begin after
completion of previous operation.)
(2) [Buzzer ON/OFF]
Set the ON / OFF of the buzzer sound.
(3) [Vibration ON/OFF]
Set the ON / OFF of the vibration motor.
(4) [Control number reset] (Only for HTW)
Manual: After the tightening times have reached the set number, confirmation is required