User's Manual

This attribute specifies the facility type tag sent in syslog messages. (See
RFC 3164.) This type has no effect on the kind of messages reported by
the switch. However, it may be used by the syslog server to process
messages, such as sorting or storing messages in the corresponding
database. (Range: 16-23, Default: 23)
Logging Trap – Limits log messages that are sent to the remote syslog
server for all levels up to the specified level. For example, if level 3 is
specified, all messages from level 0 to level 3 will be sent to the remote
server. (Range: 0-7, Default: 7)
Host IP List – Displays the list of remote server IP addresses that
receive the syslog messages. The maximum number of host IP addresses
allowed is five.
Host IP Address – Specifies a new server IP address to add to the Host
IP List.
Web – Click System, Log, Remote Logs. To add an IP address to the Host
IP List, type the new IP address in the Host IP Address box, and then click
Add. To delete an IP address, click the entry in the Host IP List, and then
click Remove.
Figure 3-16 Remote Logs