
Specific Product Precautions
1. When releasing air at the intermediate position using a
T-shaped spacer on the inlet side of the lubricator, lubri-
cant may back flow. Therefore, releasing air that does
not contain traces of lubricant is not possible.
To release air that does not contain traces of lubricant,
use a check valve (Series AKM) on the inlet side of the
lubricator to prevent a backflow of the lubricant.
2. If a residual pressure-release 3-port valve is mounted
on the inlet side of the lubricator, causing a backflow of
air, it can result in a backflow of oil or damage to inter-
nal parts. Please do not use it in this fashion.
3. An F.R.L. unit shipped from the plant has its model
number labeled. However, components that are com-
bined together during the distribution process do not
have a label on them.
1. When mounting a check valve, make sure the arrow (IN
side) points in the correct direction of air flow.
Air Supply
1. Use an air filter with 5 µm or less filtration rating on the
inlet side of the valve to avoid any damage to the seat
caused by dust when mounting a 3-port valve for re-
sidual pressure release on the inlet side.
Mounting and Adjustment
1. When the bowl is installed on the air filter, filter regulator,
lubricator, mist separator, or micro mist separator, install
them so that the lock button lines up to the groove of the
front (or the back) of the body to avoid drop or damage of
the bowl.
Be sure to read before handling. Refer to back cover for Safety Instructions, “Handling Precautions for SMC
Products” (M-E03-3) and the Operation Manual for F.R.L. Precautions.
Please download it via our website,
Lock button
Air Combination Series AC20-A to AC40-A
ARALAW Attachment